Motivation Monday: Angela’s Story

A new series on the blog, Motivation Monday will share YOUR stories. Have you made a change in your life? Want to share your progress? Send me a message at and let’s tell your story!

Angela’s Story

I started taking fitness classes in 2008 when I noticed that my figure was not what it was in high school and knew I wanted to better myself but wasn’t sure how. My time was mostly spent partying with friends and I was not a very happy person back then.

What really motivated me was that a new fitness center was built in my town that year and they were offering free classes one week. A few of my coworkers and I decided to check it out. The first class I took was Zumba and I loved it. The instructor was spunky and fun and I already loved to dance so I knew this was going to be something I would enjoy. I also tried a spin class, not my favorite class to take but I stuck with it for quite a while that year. Since then I have added many classes ranging from Insanity to PiYo to Turbo Kick.



As far as changes in my body, my figure has changed quite a bit. I have gone down 2 dress sizes and 15 lbs. I have also gained strength and balance, thanks to Insanity and PiYo.

My mood has changed as well. The feeling you get from a workout is like no other. After taking a class I can feel that I have more energy and I am ready to face anything that comes my way.

As far as my overall health, I have high blood pressure that runs in my family and because of working out and eating right my doctors has recently discussed lowering my medications.

I started to notice the changes in 2010. I had been working out for almost 2 years, people kept commenting on how good I looked and how happy I seemed.

I was in a not so happy relationship and had been since 2008. Once my confidence was built up and I felt better and different, I knew that I needed to make a change.  I was growing into a new person and we were just not on the same path in life. I feel that I would not have been able to break it off had I not built myself up and had not seen the changes I could make with my life. Changing my lifestyle helped me in more ways than one you could say.

Motivate Me

The changes that I have seen in my figure, my mood, and my overall health keep me motivated. Also, the friendships that I have made in the group fitness classes that I attend. Those friends hold me accountable and it’s a time for us to meet up and have some fun while also working out.

Looking to make a change? Start off small. Take a class, or join a gym. Go once a week and move on to twice a week and so on. There is no need to jump right in and go all 5 or 7 days if you are not comfortable. I guarantee that once you find a class that you enjoy you will want more. Also, make friends with those in class. They are great motivators and accountability coaches.


Eating right is a daily challenge. With a house full of hungry boys, and meat eaters at that, it is hard to stay on track. Although there is nothing wrong with meat, I choose to limit my meat intake and mainly eat fruits and vegetables with the occasional meat here and there during the week. This can be challenging as I LOVE to cook and making a home-cooked meal every night is something I strive to do.

Usually this means I am making a meal for myself on the side. Coming up with healthy options for us all is also a challenge. I have changed some of our eating habits as a family and strive to change more in the future. My other downfall would be snacks. I love them. Candy, chocolate, chips, you name it. Trying to keep the amount that we purchase limited and making healthier choices can be quite a challenge, but we are working on it.

What’s Next?

My goal this year is to join the local CSA. Also, we recently purchased a juicer and have started juicing. It can seem pricey at times but I have really enjoyed trying new juice recipes and getting to know what we like and dislike.

My fitness goals this year are to try some new classes, maybe Barre or Aerial Yoga. I would also like to add lifting into my workout routine.

We Have to Ask About Fitness Classes…

My favorite fitness class is Zumba. It’s upbeat, fun, has great music and gives you a boost of energy.

Join Angela (and other friends) on the floor for Zumba classes! Check out the full fitness schedule here and get YOUR motivation story started!

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