Coffee Talk #157: Commit to Fit

It’s Coffee Talk Tuesday! Grab your cup and let’s start chattin’.


If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that–no surprise–I had a yogi-filled weekend. From attending a Hot Vinyasa class Friday, teaching Buti Friday night, attending a staff Thai massage workshop Saturday, attending Soulful Sunday and an Inversions workshop Sunday, and wrapping up with attending a Buti class Monday – I was all yogi power this weekend. I’m certainly racking up my hours for YTT!

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I’m still on a high note from a work conversation last week that resulted in me choosing ME and my fitness business over promoting someone else’s business. It was a tough decision to make, because I’m so used to hiding behind words and visuals, and so used to pushing my initiatives to the side to make room for the paying gigs. It’s scary to willingly cut income, but I’m ready (beyond ready) to push forward with some fitness initiatives that I’ve been putting on the back burner. I’m looking forward to building our fitness community!

On that note, if we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I announced two exciting initiatives to end 2019 on a GREAT note. First, I’m hosting a FREE 12 Days of Fitmas challenge. I’m hosting it December 1-12 — 12 days, 12 moves, adding one move each day. I filmed it last week all in one day and can attest that it’s going to be a great addition to your fitness schedule for those two weeks. I can’t wait to share it! Join on facebook (Fitness with Aundra) and/or instagram (@fitwithaundra).

The second fitness initiative I’m hosting is called “HIIT the Holidays.” The cool thing about this one is that it’s a new approach – I have 10 HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts that I’ve filmed on my website. Anyone can purchase these videos and do them any time. I’m offering it now because I realize that people travel and their schedules change during the holiday season, so I see fewer people in classes, but wouldn’t it be awesome to take me with you? You get 10 unique, powerful HIIT classes for $45. There is no end date for this. I recommend doing 2-3 HIIT classes a week, max. Message me if you’re interested in this virtual session! Videos will be available November 25.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d want to chat about one of my most successful virtual classes – Commit to Fit. This is the most extensive virtual course I have offered to date. I gave an in-person option 5 times a week, for early morning classes. This meant that I had to be up and ready every M-F for 6 weeks to teach courses, for anyone who showed up to class. I live streamed these classes for those in the group who could not make it to live classes. So, people had options for this challenge. We formed this really awesome early morning crew, and I find myself missing seeing their faces each day! We saw so much growth through this 6-week period, both through fitness and personal ventures.

I thought it would be fun to share some of my results, because I also participated in this challenge, even though I was coaching everyone else through it. I created a Fit Test that we performed three times throughout the challenge. We followed focusing on 8 different movements for 1 minute each, which I chose based on power, strength, and endurance. I geared our daily workouts (HIIT, barre, strength/stretch, and power stretch/flow) towards improving these three areas.

Here are my results for all three Fit Tests. I loved seeing personal growth, which I did not expect, since I perform these workouts all the time. If I could see improvement, I know others did, too! Class participants shared with me their excellent improvements (I won’t share their personal progress, but they might comment on the facebook post!).

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How awesome are these results? It shows that through hard work, commitment, and the support of a team, you can achieve great results! I will very likely offer another Commit to Fit round – be on the lookout for the next session! In the meantime, join my HIIT virtual classes to get prepped and ready.

This was so much more than a physical challenge. I shared these sentiments on our private facebook group, and just felt overall so proud and connected to our group:

From this challenge, we worked out together daily through people running challenging races, getting MARRIED, going to Thailand, starting a new job, and more. I loved getting to be part of your daily life for this short period of time!

I truly love being able to coach people through fitness, but also be there for life moments. There’s nothing sweeter than celebrating clients during classes — whether it’s birthday burpees (I know you want these even though you never ask for them!), special songs to celebrate weddings or engagements, and more. This is one part of being a fitness professional that no one prepares you for, the impact that clients will have on your social and emotional life. Our relationships go beyond the time we spend together in classes. Hosting these special group challenges has definitely highlighted this for me. I look forward to seeing you virtually or on the floor!

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