Coffee Talk Tuesday #130

It’s Tuesday! Grab your cup and let’s start talkin’.


If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that it’s day 28 of my celery juice challenge! It’s been a crazy ride. I’m planning 2 more days, for a total of 30 days. I wrote a little about what I’ve experienced here, and all of that has stayed consistent. New this week, for the final week, I’m juicing more — 24+ ounces each day. It takes a little longer to drink, but I’m loving the hydration. I’m honestly more curious to see what happens when I stop juicing every day. I’m planning to take at least a week to see if I notice anything. It’s not difficult to add juicing to my morning routine. The juicer I have is very easy to clean. Will I keep going with the juicing? Maybe. I don’t know that I’ll stick to it every day, but maybe on the days that I teach and train a lot.

Speaking of which, if we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I’m finding my limit for teaching classes again. I’ve been subbing classes at AquaFit, and teaching immediately after those classes. I’m used to back-to-back classes, but moving from one location to another is a lot. I love the opportunity to teach anywhere, so I typically say yes, but I’ve found myself turning down teaching or group opportunities. I’m planning on taking a little bit of a teaching break in May, with the end of the semester at the main place I teach. However, “break” usually means I’m going to go attend different classes. I’ve been making it to 2-3 yoga classes a week, which has been awesome for me. I do need to establish a rest day soon — especially after teaching so much these past two weeks.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d share a look at what I’ve been writing, doodling, working on lately. These are hard truths, the questions and statements that have forced me outside my comfort zone and have made me determine priorities. This is part of a long list of tough love I give myself. I’m a teacher by nature, so when I learn something helpful, I love passing it on to others.

  1. You DO have time for that thing you’ve been meaning to do. “I don’t have time” means “this isn’t a priority for me.” Is that ok with you? If so, carry on. If not, bag the excuses.
  2. You’ll never be 100% ready for the next thing. Do it anyway. Ten years ago, was I ready to go from back row participant to leading the fitness class? Nope. Did I do it anyway? Yep. Now, I’ve been teaching 10 years and have several certifications under my belt. And I love it. I’m always looking for the next step.
  3. Talking about other people highlights your own insecurities. Oh this one. I’ve found myself shying away from events where I know there will be gossip. I cannot deal with it. I don’t think I’m above it, I don’t have the mental space for it. Between choreo for 6 different formats, working 3 jobs, and planning next steps, I’m toast. I’ve also found that the things I point out in others are often the things I wish I could do. So, instead of worrying about others, I’m choosing to focus on me. While I’m at it, I’m working on giving props and nods to other badass boss ladies for their accomplishments. The rising tide lifts ALL.
  4. Don’t worry about what others think – only YOU have to live your life. No one else lives your daily life. Just you. Why do we waste time worrying about what others think? I take issue with things that I “should” be doing because of my age or gender. I’m learning to have confidence in my decisions, to worry less about what others think I should be doing. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am right now, and I’m in such a good place. Worrying about what others think of that is a waste of time.
  5. You choose who to spend your time with — choose wisely. I’ve really thinned my friend group in recent years. I would be so excited to make plans, and then really dread when the plans approached. Easiest way to avoid this? Not making plans. I’m not saying I want to be a hermit, but I’m more protective of my time. I spend a lot of time with people, between my three jobs, so I really enjoy having alone time or just hanging with husband. That makes me happy right now.
  6. Don’t become attached to the routine. I go back and forth on this, and constantly check myself. When I get too attached to a routine, I become complacent, and then I feel like I’m not growing or learning. I’ve worked to find a pretty decent balance of routine and growth. Being flexible is a learned skill, and I’m always working on it!
  7. Trust your gut. It never lies. Ever ever. I’ve turned down BIG career opportunities because it didn’t feel right. Especially as my yoga practice has grown, I’ve become much better at tuning in, and can feel right away when something is not good. This goes for lots of things – people, events, situations – listening to your gut is life-changing. Figuring out how to understand the message is gold.
  8. Create boundaries and protect the F out of them. More here. I wrote a lot about boundaries in a previous post, and I’m constantly creating and guarding them. This is how I’m able to accomplish so much. I don’t have extra days or hours, I have boundaries.
  9. Be coachable. This one is SO hard for me. I didn’t play sports, except softball which I try to block from my mind all the time, so I missed the whole “be part of a team” and “be coachable” pieces. It’s hard to admit, but you don’t always have the right answers. You also don’t have to listen to people’s advice all the time, but I’m learning that it’s important to be humble and realize that others have valid thoughts and points. I’ve been lucky to have a handful of mentors in my life who have looked out for me, and pushed me toward things I didn’t think I was ready to do (see #2). I’ve always been fiercely independent and stubborn, so I need to remind myself to check this and remember that others are not out to get me, and that I can be taught something AND cared for by someone (I have the most caring husband and I honestly never believed I was worthy of this. I’m so grateful to have him).
  10. Re-evaluate constantly. I’m always looking for the next thing. There’s a fine line between always being on the toes and being grateful for what you have. I have to remind myself to pause and be grateful. But I also like to check in and make sure I like what’s going on right now. I’m grateful for a flexible schedule that allows me to explore. I’m forever changing the future, and we’ve had some recent developments to cause me to think even more creatively about the next couple of years (for those I have not told, husband got a fabulous new job on the “other side of the bridge.”). Always dream and think about possible happy scenarios!

If we were having coffee together today, I’d elaborate a little more — husband is leaving his job of 12 years for something new! I’m so intensely proud of him. My husband is the most loyal person ever, in so many ways, so the thought of him leaving to pursue a new job is like mind-blowing. And in a matter of days, he traded in his truck for a commuter car. So many things! I’m so excited about the possibilities of what could happen next. A move? Very likely. Where? Good question, we’re looking mostly in one area, but I’m like in love with this idea of “what if?” What does this mean for me and my pursuits? Nothing right now. But I’m always open to change if it’s a positive thing! I’m so excited for this next chapter. Husband & I are going to create a joint vision board to prep for this next stage. We have lots of common wants, but it’s a fun exercise to imagine possibilities.

That’s a lot for this week! See you in class, or maybe for some IRL coffee!

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