Coffee Talk #167: Making Space

It’s Tuesday! Grab your cup and let’s start chatting.


If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that it’s the first week of the NEW schedule! I’m so excited to share the floor with everyone, and to welcome back the college students to classes. I’m excited to offer 10 classes each week at three different locations.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I officially registered for another NEW fitness training! I love adding certifications to my repertoire, and this one just SPEAKS to me. Can’t wait to share more, very soon.

In the meantime, a YTT update: We’re heading into month 6 of Yoga Teacher Training, focusing on Aparigraha, or non-possessiveness this month, in addition to other things. With YTT, I’m practicing a lot, reading a lot, journaling a lot, and writing a lot of essays. It’s truly a work-in, an in-depth look at yourself and how you connect with others. I’m so excited to add to my fitness services.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that one of the awesome things that came from my YTT experience is creating my own home office space. I work from home sometimes, but have been using our office space in the kitchen as ‘my’ workspace. I really didn’t see the need to create a whole separate space just for me. But, after a conversation with a friend and mentor, I realized that maybe I do need a space that’s completely for my work. Enter: the new FWA Home Office space! IMG_6062 IMG_6064 IMG_6065

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With intentional decor, I created a streamlined ‘classy’ look for my space. Every single item has meaning toward my journey of owning and operating FWA. I have a space to store everything and a space to create meaningful services for others. I’m so in love with it!

I can’t even begin to imagine all of the creativity and ideas that will flow through this space. It’s become my favorite space in our house, and it was something I never thought I needed. Major props to husband for building this space — this room was previously a 3-season patio that we enclosed, with the intention to have a dining/den space. It was big enough to carve out some space just for my business. Oh, the things I will do in this space!

That got me thinking. If we were having coffee together today, I’d pose this question: How are you making space for yourself in the world?

Starting with you, How are you making space for yourself in your life? This office space is the ultimate self-care space that has me filled to the brim with ideas and energy, and it was relatively simple to put together. Let’s challenge ourselves to make space for US. It doesn’t have to be large, it can be a corner or as in my case, a piece of a larger room we constructed. This little space has made me happy beyond measure, and I can’t even begin to think about how that might translate outside our home, into the community.

Let’s make space.

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