My Practice this Week

Oftentimes, when I tell people how many classes I teach a week (10, but who is counting), they’ll say wow, that’s great to get to workout all the time!

Well…not so much. When I instruct a class, it’s not my workout. I do participate in the class, but I never give 100% to myself, because I’m worried about making sure participants are practicing correct form, that people are having fun, and that people are working their best and hardest.


That means I have to workout beyond the classes I teach.

WEIGHT TRAINING – Twice a week, that means morning lift sessions, with my workout buddy Natalie, where we challenge ourselves with full-body movements and increased weights each week.


RUNNING – I also like to run for my own training, though I’ve been doing less of that during the winter months. I’m an ambassador for a race on June 4 (ZOOMA Annapolis  — get 10% off if you use AUNDRA16), so running will gear up soon, especially now that the weather is looking more and more fabulous in my area.

YOGA – I practice a little each day. Lately, I’m into hip and chest opening sequences, and I’m back in the headstand practicing game. <– gearing up for beach headstands!


What does it mean to practice yoga? For me, it could take 5-30 minutes of my day. Sometimes, I have a particular movement in mind, or a flow I’m itching to try. Sometimes, it means researching new postures to use in class, and it could also mean trying new tools or methods to share with others, to help their training.


Occasionally, I’ll work on new, funky balance ideas. I LOVE arm balances, and the feeling of being strong enough to hoist myself up and hold it.


Want a sneak peek at one of my practice flows? Here’s a hip stretching sequence I did one morning before teaching a class. This followed 2 minutes of jumping jacks, to get the body warm beforehand. Click this link or the photo to see the full video.

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TEACHER TRAINING – In addition to teaching classes and fitting in my own training, I also do extensive prep for classes. Some weeks, I teach a full new set for Insanity, or a new block. Other times, I choreograph new songs for Zumba. I also work on new material for PiYo classes. With teaching three formats, it’s a never-ending process of learning, trying, teaching, and adjusting. I’m also in love with identifying NEW ways to present material.

Beyond prep for classes, I’m also working on new certifications, through NASM/AFAA. This helps ensure that I can offer the BEST for my students. A great teacher is one who continues to learn! I learn SO MUCH from teaching my awesome students, and feel inspired and excited to gain knowledge in new areas, so we can continue to challenge and encourage each other.

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