Fitness Friday #4 : Favorite Planks

I love a good plank. Planks are a big focus in our Insanity and PiYo Live classes. Why? Because they work!

Planks offer a full-body workout. You’ll notice strength first in your core, shoulders, and quads, but holding a plank for an extended period of time, or trying one of the dozens of plank variations will help work the whole body.

Recently, before a PiYo Live class, we held a “plank challenge” to give everyone a good idea of how long they could personally hold a high or low plank. It was such a fun challenge! I would love to do it again so everyone can track their progress.

Other than chaturangas, I credit planks for helping me gain overall increased body strength (so important for all of those arm balances and head/handstand forms!).

Basic High Plank

Keeping the feet together and toes firmly placed into the ground, extend the legs into a straight position, tuck in the abs and push firmly through the hands into the ground. Let the head stay in a neutral position.

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Basic Low Plank

Lowering from high plank, bring the entire forearm to the ground, forming fists or clasping the hands together. Squeeze the abs. Keep the booty in line with the back, do not slouch or raise the booty higher than your shoulders. Keep the head neutral.

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Once you get the basics down, it’s time to have some good old plankin’ fun!

Here are a few of my favorite plank variations:

1. Knee-to-elbow plank

From high plank, bend one knee and slowly bring it to the same-side elbow, getting as close as you can to the elbow. Keep the other leg and hands firmly pressed into the ground. Repeat on each side.

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2. Side plank

From high plank, turn your feet to face one direction, either stacking one on top of the other, or staggering the feet so one is in front of the other on the ground, with toes facing the same direction. Keep pushing up through the top hip, keeping the core muscles engaged. Extend the top arm to the sky, and if you can, shift your gaze to look at those finger tips. Repeat on each side.

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3. High to low planks

This is a great variation to try once you feel good with the high and low basic planks! Starting in high plank, slowly lower down onto the forearms for low plank. Straighten the arms and move back to high plank. Repeat.


4. ‘Tick-tock’ plank

Starting in high plank, extend one leg out to the side, tapping it three times with the third time ending as close to the same-side hand as you can. Hold. Then, send that leg back, tapping it three times, the third getting you back to the high plank. Hold. Repeat on the other side.

5. Extended plank

You can do this from high or low plank! Starting in high plank, extend one leg up towards the sky. Slowly extend the arm of the opposite side in front of you. Hold. Repeat on the other side, making sure you’re using the opposite arm and leg.

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6. Reverse Plank

While most plank work leaves me feeling sore the next day, there’s nothing to match the soreness from reverse plank! It’s so different from regular planks, since the focus is on the back vs. the front. I love the feeling!

Starting in a seated position, extend the legs in front of you, and bring the hands to the floor behind you, with fingertips pointing toward your toes. Press down through the hands and lift the booty, making sure to keep pushing up through the abs, don’t let the hips fall! Open the chest and hold.

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7. Plank Hip Dips (killer for the core!)

Starting in high plank (you could also do this from low plank), press the hands into the ground and slowly lower one hip toward the ground, not going too far, just enough to feel it through the side of the body. Come back to high plank and repeat on the other side.

For even more, check out this awesome list of 47 crazy-fun planks by Greatist!

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