Coffee Talk Tuesday #48

Here we go! Happy Coffee Talk Tuesday. Grab your cup.


If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you HAPPY MAY! Oh my, I love the month of May. We get to see the fruits of our labor at work, I’m all about being outside every day in the sunshine, and of course, it’s birthday month!!!! Did you know that Johnny and I almost share a birthday? We’re one day apart. How cool is that?

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that per usual, we’re going hiking on my birthday! I love a good birthday hike. We’re heading up to PA for a 10 mile Appalachian Trail hike. I’m so excited!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that my sweet little garden is growing! I’ve added some new plants and planted some seeds as well. We’re growing carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, spinach, kale, and zucchini this year. I’ve also planted a couple of varieties of lavender. Check it out! A coworker gifted us some strawberry plants, so I planted those between our raspberry and blueberry plants. We’re creating a fun berry patch!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I spent the weekend doing a few things I love – baking, cooking, prepping, yoga-ing, teaching, and running! A fabulous weekend definitely helps fuel the week. We ran a nice 8-mile course this weekend, in preparation for the upcoming half marathon. T-32 days until the ZOOMA half! There’s still time to register, with a 10% discount (code AUNDRA2017): come join the fun!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I attended another yoga workshop this weekend. This workshop centered on balances and inversions. I love balances, and we worked on a few of my favorites: crow, flying pigeon, eight-angled pose, and firefly. I love learning new strategies and prep movements for these postures, it’s always nice to get a new perspective. We ended the class with shoulder stand, plow, and some on-the-wall handstand work. My shoulders and traps were feeling it yesterday for sure! One unexpected benefit – my hips felt SO open after this workshop, it was amazing. I’m dedicating a little piece of each day this week to work on the movements from the workshop.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that our countertops are installed! While the husband is building an IKEA kitchen, we opted to work with Home Depot for the countertops. We wanted a solid surface countertop, for the durability. They are white and speckled and it’s super surreal to see them in our kitchen. Want a sneak peek? Here you go! So many more pics to come. The husband spent time hooking up the sink and dishwasher this past week (um, crazy skills, yo) and then we’ll move on to the gas stove, the backsplash, and finishing touches.

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that it’s the last week of the spring fitness schedule! I like being able to move things around, and change the schedule every so often. I’m only teaching one free class in the park next week, one private class, and then I have an open schedule — which I intend to fill with running, yoga, and trying a new-to-me fitness class (butterflieessssss).

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that we’re also counting down to the Street Party on May 26! I have 3 food trucks, one ice cream stand, a beer truck, and a special lemonade stand lined up (in addition to live music by Dell Foxx Company and a caricature artist). It’s sure to be a great time! Did I mention the event is free to attend?! You pay for food and drinks directly at the different vendor stations. What a great deal! Come join the fun and bring the family!

If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that I’m also planning a pre-orientation program at WAC, for August! I get to host one this year. I’m calling it Shore Fit and we’re going stand-up paddleboarding (maybe yoga too), enjoying a guided yoga flow, going berry and peach picking, learning about healthy living and enjoying smoothies at Tracy’s, hiking at Eastern Neck Island, doing HIIT partner workouts, and sharing the ins and outs of healthy living in Chestertown and Kent County. I’m SO excited to lead this!

Lots and lots of creativity and planning happening here. What’s up in your world?

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