Coffee Talk Tuesday #42

Welcome to Coffee Talk Tuesday! Grab your cup.

I like the number 42. It is, of course, the answer to the ultimate question of life.

To celebrate Coffee Post #42, I thought I’d share one of those super-nosy Q&A posts that I looooove reading on other blogs. Ready?


How do you like your coffee?
I adore nutty flavors, so my Dunkin order is usually either a medium iced with 1 pump of hazelnut and 1 cream OR a large iced with 2 pumps of hazelnut and 2 creams. At home, I like to grind coffee beans for fresh coffee and I add some Trickling Springs Creamery whole milk. YUM.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
The literal first thing I do is a full-body stretch. I love a good stretch first thing in the morning! Depending on the day, I’ll either lace up my sneaks for an early morning run, head to teach a class, or get up and make some coffee.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Those who know me understand that I have a lot of these. But the WORST one is laziness. I can’t stand it. Just do the things and don’t complain. Also, I do not like whispering/whispers. Or loud/open mouth chewing. I could go on…

What is your favorite way to workout?
I go back and forth on my favorite. Right now, I’m loving the BBG workout series – I love the different resistance moves! Arms are probably my favorite area to work.

How many photos do you have on your camera roll right now?
11,365. Haha wow. Probably 10,000 are of my cat Phoebe.

What is your current jam?
I’ve been listening to the La La Land soundtrack on repeat. BUT, one song that I always (like, always) turn to when I have to get #ALLthethings done? Bittersweet Symphony.

When is your next running race?
Impulsive sign-ups aside, ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon is next! Want to run with me? Here’s a sweet 10% discount code (good for 5k, 10k, or the half marathon!): AUNDRA2017.

Describe the perfect Saturday:
In an ideal world… it would start with hot yoga, a Starbucks run, playing with yoga poses at our wedding site in Odessa, a delicious lunch, snuggle time with Phoebe, a nap with the husband (favorite Saturday pastime in our house), and then a movie/dinner/grocery shopping date in either Middletown or Annapolis. ZOMG I love this.

How did you become a fitness instructor?
When I started my own get healthy journey, I started attending a TON of Zumba classes. I also started running, but I was totally in awe of the energy in a Zumba class. I found out that my instructor was moving and didn’t want the party to end! I’ve always been a take-charge kinda gal, so I found an instructor training and signed up…there really wasn’t a whole lot of thought put into it, it just seemed like the right thing to do in my mind. That was in 2009, and since then I’ve attended 4 other instructor training events and plan to do another this year!

What’s your favorite smoothie combination?
I’ve been SO into smoothies lately–I think it’s because warmer weather is on the horizon. My latest jam has been banana, kiwi, mango, blueberries, strawberries, orange, tera’s whey protein powder and 2-3 oz. of Trickling Springs creamery whole milk. I want one now.

What are you reading right now?
I have two books that I’ve started, oops. One is The Storytelling Animal, and one (recommended by my friend Carly) is Daring Greatly.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Ok, so I’m not a fan of this term because no pleasure (that does not harm others or yourself) should be ‘guilty’! However, my guilty pleasure is reading ALL the baby blogs. I just love reading and being nosy. I loooove the ones that provide TMI.

What’s your next trip?
So, I loooove to hike and I think the best way to celebrate spring/birthdays/everything is a camping/hiking trip. I’m working on planning one for husband/my birthday (May 28 and 29, isn’t that cool?). We’re also thinking about a summer OBX trip!

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I’d usually say that I’ve moved 20 times, but I think I talk more about that now. I think a thing that surprises my fitness class peeps is that I’m a bonafide INTROVERT. INTJs unite! I am loud and goofy and crazy in classes, but I loooove and require lots of alone/quiet/reflection time to gear up for those moments. My idea of a fun night is snuggling at home or a date with the husband. I’d rather not make crazy social plans. Cancelled plans are the best plans! ha.

Weeee, that was fun! Challenge — answer any of these questions in the comments!

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