Coffee Talk #187: The New Normal

It’s Tuesday! Grab your cup and let’s start chattin’.


If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that last week was exhausting–emotionally, physically, everything. You know that feeling when you’re screaming at the top of your lungs (like at a concert) and wake up the next day and have a scratchy voice? That’s how I felt for most of last week. I’m tired of inequality, I’m tired of a lack of common decency, I’m tired for my friends and clients who have to think twice about their actions because of the color of their skin. What can I do? I had so many good conversations with friends and clients last week. I can learn. I can educate myself (a privilege). I can keep positive and share my happy passions with ALL. I can continue to send positive vibrations into the universe and to do my part to keep the conversation and learning alive and to check my privilege. Friends, I’m here to listen.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that this makes me think of the ‘new normal.’ I’ve heard this phrase used so much in the past 12 (TWELVE!!) weeks of quarantine/safer at home/whatever we’re calling it. Schedules have changed, home/work barriers have been crushed, and daily routines are all over the place. The conversation seems to have shifted a little – from “how can we get back to what we had” to “what if this new normal is the right way to be” and “what am I really missing from life pre-quarantine?”

I’ll put that question out to you — what are you rushing back to do? I posted some light-hearted questions and memes on my facebook page – things like “where is the first place you’re going when we can venture out” and “what do you miss most.” From those and from conversations, I’m learning something important — at first, people missed things, superficial things. Now? People seem to miss routine, miss conversation, miss interaction, miss hugs. The longer we were placed in isolation, the more people started to develop a list of things that really matter.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I am in NO RUSH to go back to pre-quarantine life. I enjoy working from home, I’ve had so much fun connecting virtually with fitness clients, and teaching small classes in the fresh air has been rewarding. But, as a planner, I’m constantly thinking about these questions:

  • What happens when it gets too hot to host outdoor classes?
  • Will people continue to join virtually when gyms re-open?
  • Do people want to come to classes inside gyms?
  • Do I want to TEACH inside a gym?
  • What will it mean to teach at a gym – what will be required of me, as an instructor?
  • At gyms, with limited capacity, will people have to pre-register to attend group classes?
  • I hate limiting outdoor classes, but LOVE knowing who is coming – when the numbers open back up, will people still want to pre-register for classes? I’m also hiking 30 minutes to teach classes, so I’d love to know what I’m showing up to (like…will people stop coming?)

These are just some of the questions swirling in my brain as we navigate to this next stage of ‘the new normal.’ I’m loving the social media classes – I have it in my mind to continue to offer free classes, even when we get ‘back to normal.’ Virtual accountability groups are HOPPIN’ right now, too, I’m so pleased that so many of you want to join me! I love creating structured content. I’m also available for private group classes, and those have started to fly, too. I’m loving building consistency with you and your crew!

Want to join a virtual group? I love these groups because we build a community, hold each other accountable, and you can ask specific questions about form, style, etc. vs. the live classes where I just share and work to do verbal and visual cues and HOPE for the best. I have one that just started June 8 – Yoga & Barre – 30 days of practice to build consistency, and another that starts June 22 – Summer Strong.


This group runs June 8 – July 8.

Your registration gets you:

* private facebook group for accountability (registrant MUST have facebook)
* schedule created for you to follow
* daily check-ins
* 30 Days of exclusive workouts
* 30 workouts/practices
* Barre tutorials
* Yoga tutorials
* Option to attend ONE (1) IN PERSON class at a park each week for no extra cost.
* Weekly meditation/focus

Class types include Barre Body, Vinyasa (Flow) Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, Buti Yoga, Power Yoga, Yoga Express, and Yin Yoga.

COST: $30. Have some punches on your FWA class card? You can use some or ALL of your punches toward virtual group fitness. One punch = $5. Indicate your payment type on the form.



This group runs June 22 – July 17. 4 weeks!

Your registration gets you:

* private facebook group for accountability (registrant MUST have facebook)
* schedule created for you to follow
* daily check-ins
* 4 classes/week
* 1 bonus class/week
* Tutorials

Classes each week: 1) bodyweight, 2) upper body focus, 3) lower body focus, 4) full body challenge, with special attention to core/powerhouse strength. Classes are kept short – 30 minutes.

BONUS class each week, which could range from Yoga to loop bands to cardio kickboxing to HIIT.

COST: $50. Have some punches on your FWA class card? You can use some or ALL of your punches toward virtual group fitness. One punch = $5. Indicate your payment type on the form.

* mat
* loop bands
* weights for upper body (1-15 lbs)
* weights for lower body (5-50 lbs)
* chair or bench


Would love to see you for a virtual group! I’d love to hear your thoughts, too, about the ‘new normal’ and what you WON’T be rushing back to from life pre-quarantine. Let’s chat!

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