Coffee Talk #174: 5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

It’s Tuesday! Grab your cup, sanitizer, and wipes, and let’s start chattin’.


If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that it’s SPRING! Ok, so not officially, but it sure feels like spring on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The sun is shining, the air is warm, and the flowers are ready to start blooming. What’s the weather like where you live?

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that spring makes me think about cleaning, organizing, and making things light and bright. I love taking time this season to de-clutter, going through items to donate or sell. It’s taken on a new meaning this year, with our impending move. Now, I’m looking at items with the idea of “do I want to haul this to another house or find a new purpose for it now?” It’s so strange not going through my usual spring rituals – prepping the garden, starting to plant greens, prepping herbs and flowers for the spring and summer. I’m holding back since we plan to move.

We started our spring cleaning process early this year, giving our spaces a nice deep clean so we could prepare to have photos taken of the house. I love the feeling of a super clean space. I like things orderly and tidy and I firmly believe there is a place for everything. Adding that extra element of a deep spring clean is just the cherry on top of a neat space.

Cleaning our living spaces made me think about spring cleaning an individual. Though many people jump on the January restart bandwagon (it makes good sense with the start of a new year), I think spring is a great time to hit the refresh button. Really, any season change is a good time to take a look at your situation and determine if you want or need to make any adjustments. Spring is an easy one because things are coming back to life and the air changes and everything just feels so positive.

I put together a list of 5 ways to put a little spring in your step, by spring cleaning your life!

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

1. Drink water. More. Even more. You’re not getting enough! Drinking water will literally clean you from the inside out. Water is life and drinking it will give you energy and even help prevent illness. So many headaches can derive from lack of enough water. Drinking a cup will give you an instant shot of energy, getting you ready to conquer this season!

2. Get outside. Put your hands and/or feet in the dirt. Grounding or earthing yourself is an awesome way to connect with nature and reconnect with yourself. Dirt contains nutrients that will make you feel instantly better. Plant a garden! If you don’t have space, consider potting some house plants or some herbs. Get your fingers in the dirt and embrace this new season.

3. Clean your space.  Physically removing clutter goes a long way in a good outlook and attitude. I like having a clean work space so I can focus on the important work. It also feels good to simplify. Take a look at an area of your home that feels hectic or messy and start working through

4. Move your Body. This will forever show up on every list I ever create. It’s so good to move those muscles and work that body. I highly recommend an inside-out workout like yoga or stretching that will make your muscles feel good.

5. Daily affirmation. I am enough. I am strong. I am powerful. I am in control of my day. I am capable. Save these statements, or create your own, for the times when you really need them. I love starting my day with a short meditation and the statement “I am powerful.” This sets a tone for a rockin’ day.

Let’s move through this new spring season with intention and gear up for summer bliss!

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