Coffee Talk #147: Second Shift

It’s Tuesday! Grab your cup and let’s start chattin’.


If we were having coffee together this week, I’d tell you that it’s back to school for my Next Generation Scholars. I’ve had so many people ask me in the last week what this program is all about — most people know me from the fitness world, so seeing me post about volunteer meet-ups and volunteer training and first day of school vibez has sparked questions which I love! I work with Kent County students in grades 9-11 (we started with this group when they were grades 7-9) and we plan their futures — I provide information and resources about all of their options and help them think ahead and create a success path. It’s rewarding and I’ve learned so much about the public school system. I’m lucky in my county – the staff has gone out of their way to embrace the program and to welcome me, as this outsider who also really cares about the success of students. Want to work with this awesome group? I have lots of volunteer opportunities. Message me!

If we were having coffee together this week, I’d tell you that we’ve just started the Planks & Positive Affirmations challenge, and there’s still plenty of time to join. Each day, a new prompt is shared for a plank/time as well as an affirmation to share with yourself. The goal is to build strength – physical, social, emotional – as we enter this new season. Join us in the free facebook group!

If we were having coffee together this week, I’d tell you that I’ve been listening to a handful of podcasts (my favorite thing to do en route to class), and one has really gotten my attention. It’s called “Second Life” with Who What Wear co-founder Hillary Kerr. She brings a variety of guests on the podcast to talk about career changes that can come at any age. ‘Second Life’ refers to a pivot in someone’s career – first, they worked in this one industry, maybe had a ‘second shift’ or ‘moonlight experience’ with a true passion, and they’ve worked to make a big change to a new career. Many of her guests also have multiple jobs.

Since this is how I have always operated in my professional life, I immediately became hooked on the podcast. When I first started working as an admissions counselor 10+ years ago, I also worked at the local Dunkin’ Donuts, on the weekends. I had a plan to make additional funds to pay down my student loans. When I got hooked on Zumba and decided to make the transition to teach, I added “fitness instructor” to my list of jobs, teaching in the early morning before work, during lunch time, and immediately after work. I kept three jobs for awhile, until I created opportunities to teach on the weekend, and realized that teaching an hour-long fitness class was the equivalent of working a 7-hour shift at the coffee shop.

I continued to work two jobs (which I refer to as ‘first’ and ‘second’ shift) until I thought maybe I could quit my professional job and pursue becoming a fitness instructor. This idea was sparked by feeling ineffective and super unhappy at my professional job. I immediately got another second job–seasonal work at Bath & Body Works at the outlets– to fill some gaps, and then was presented with an opportunity for a third job, working for Maryland Business Roundtable for Education, to fill even more gaps.

After 10 years of professional work in the admissions world, I worked toward three promotions, including one where I completely created my own position. I really thought that last job change/promotion would make me happy, but it didn’t, and I had to face my fear of leaving the place that I called my professional home for a decade. We had gone through 4 leaders in one year, and my patience and my skill set were constantly put under fire/questioned. It was easy to leave. The day I handed in my resignation letter, tension literally melted away from my body. I still remember how good I felt in that moment.

With all of these pivots, the hardest thing, which Hillary talks about on her podcast, is replacing a salary. You get used to a certain lifestyle, and I was feeling comfortable about my income. While money cannot buy you happiness, the stress of thinking about replacing income is hard and scary. I feel so fortunate that the MBRT position was offered to me (I didn’t find it, it found me–or rather individuals charged with finding a person for the position found me), because, even at part-time status, it gave me a solid income stream. I also pitched a position to run communications for a local gym, so enter job #3.

What’s my next professional goal? I’ll be honest, it changes slightly each day. Ideally, I’d be totally immersed in fitness and wellness. I learned very quickly that it’s almost impossible to teach group fitness full-time — I already teach 8-12 classes a week, and that’s kind of crazy. I’m always learning, and sought two additional certifications this year – Xtreme Hip Hop, and this weekend I’ll start my yoga teacher training. Each certification makes me stronger, better, more knowledgeable, and leads to additional class/work opportunities. Do I want to open my own fitness studio? Not really. Not now. Not here. I’ll never say never. I am open to next steps, but not feeling a heavy need to make a move right now. I’m good with this “Second Shift” lifestyle for now, but always on my toes for good opportunities.

I hope you have a great week! Don’t forget to tune in for my live Coffee Chat on facebook this afternoon – I’d love to hear about your career trajectory and ideas!

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