Coffee Talk #145: Is it a priority?

It’s Tuesday! Grab your cup and let’s start chattin’.


If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I’m blogging this from a van in a parking lot, while I wait for my students to arrive for our adventures! I’m hosting an orientation program for new students at Washington College, called “Shore Fit.” I’ve curated several fit/wellness experiences to help them find their edge, find comfort in new friends, and to gear up for the school year. It’s such a fun few days. Adventures on tap: a barre/HIIT class, healthy living talk about sleep with Dr. Davenport (Tracy’s Healthy Living), kayaking, zip lining, kickboxing, yoga, SUP yoga, and more.  Aren’t they adorable?!

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that my favorite cup of coffee is enjoyed while walking my precious Cora around the block in the morning. We’ve started a new routine where, as soon as husband leaves early in the morning, we’ll get ready and take a walk around the neighborhood. It’s quiet, the sun is just rising, and it’s not too hot. I love our sweet morning walk time together.

If we were having coffee together today, I’d tell you that I recently posted something on instagram about priorities. This is one of my favorite topics. As a fitness professional, I hear all kinds of excuses. I used to get riled up about them, but now, I’ll listen intently, and I’ll ask “is it that you don’t have time, or is that activity just not a priority?” It really causes you to stop and think about it. If you really wanted to do something, wouldn’t you just…do it? I’ve had people CHANGE their schedules to come to a class, tell other people no because they NEED to be at this class, etc. They’ve chosen to make it a priority. If something is not a priority, that’s ok, but it’s time to stop making excuses.

For me, health is a priority. Fitness is a priority. Weekly date night with husband is a priority. Teaching/Coaching is a priority. Walking my dog is a priority. Practicing yoga is a priority. Traveling is a a priority.

What does this mean? I will likely say NO to anything that does not fall in those categories, especially if it interferes with one of those items. Establishing priorities helps to create boundaries, which is another passion topic of mine. Does it make you cruel? No. You have to get over that feeling of guilt, or of being mean. At the end of the day, YOU are the only one who is most important to you. You have to protect yourself, and look out for you.

Establishing priorities also helps create guidelines for how you’d like to live your best life. I get asked all the time how I have “so much time” to work out, or how we frequently travel. We’ve created these priorities, and say no to a lot of other things. I don’t do happy hours, we don’t spend money on tons of entertainment, we live within our means. By establishing priorities and creating boundaries, I’ve been able to create a lifestyle that works so well for me, and helps me feel full, confident, and enthusiastic about daily life.

If you’re interested in learning how to create priorities for yourself, I love chatting about this topic! But listen – you have to be willing to do it. I cannot do it for you. This is YOUR life, and you have to put on your big girl pants and make it happen. But I’m always down to dream with you.

I hope you have the best day!

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