Two months to go: 30 before 30 project

Let’s explore the ‘goals’ I have accomplished for my 30 before 30 plan!


In two months, I turn the big 3-0. SO much amazingness has happened in the past year, I’m thrilled that I’ve been able to accomplish THIS much. With a couple of months left to go, I’m making priorities and planning to knock a few more of these off my list (and LOVE the process of doing so).


Aundra’s 30 by 30 List

  1. get married. totally counts. YAY! October 31, 2015.
  2. visit 2 new states. No new states are in the plans, this one gets bumped.
  3. read 30 books 20 books to go… WOMP.
  4. hike part of the AT We hiked to McAfee Knob during our mini-moon
  5. go zip lining Still want to do this!
  6. take a new-to-me fitness class. acro yoga? belly dance? I’m thinking a barre class would be fun.
  7. complete our kitchen project (oh man that’s a challenge!!) WE BOUGHT THE THINGS FOR THE KITCHEN. SO ESSITE!
  8. make a backyard planting plan Early greens go into the outdoor boxes this weekend! We have two boxes and continue to dream about adding more.
  9. plant more flowers by the mailbox! Round 2 happening this spring, too.
  10. knit a scarf. maybe I can just knit all my bookmarks together… LOLOL. Nope.
  11. run 1,000 miles. I did it during my 27th year! LOLOL again. This past year has been all about yoga and strength training for me. A race that I’m an ambassador for is coming up soon, so I will be race training, but not like my 2013 runner self. 15+ races per year is not in my immediate future by any means.
  12. host a backyard dinner party We had most of our wedding party over for a backyard dinner this summer!
  13. take a pottery class. Halp? Where can I do this?
  14. take yoga classes – YES! I’ve been taking hot yoga classes at Serenity Yoga in Middletown, DE and LOVING it.
  15. host a month-long fitness challenge The push-up challenge.
  16. visit a vineyard in another state We visited Blue Ridge Vineyard in Eagle Rock, VA
  17. get a pet. puppy. kitty. puppy. We adopted a senior kitty!!!!! SO cuddly and loveable.
  18. see a Ballet performance. Still aiming to do this.
  19. plant a fruit tree. I want a cherry tree. And a pear tree.
  20. run a race in a new state ran a 5k in California during travel season!
  21. send birthday cards I sent 100 thank you cards and almost 100 xmas cards. Counts.
  22. get a new fitness certification. NASM home program is underway and I signed up for a Yoga basics class!
  23. make and share kombucha. Warm weather is here, so my SCOBY will be seeing some action! As soon as kitchen project is mostly tucked away…
  24. host a tea & cupcakes party. So I didn’t host it, but my ladies gave me a tea party as a bridal shower. Counts.
  25. host online challenge fitness groups Hosted my first group in Sept/Oct while I traveled for work!
  26. teach or team teach a fitness class in a new area Got to teach some Zumba while I traveled to CO!
  27. publish an article. So vague. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but maybe this bumps.
  28. host a photo a day challenge Getting on board to do this for May, leading up to my birthday!
  29. visit every local store in my town. Ambitious. Also, have I mentioned that in-store shopping makes me anxious? Love amazon. And all the online buying of things.
  30. plan a fabulous 30th birthday trip. Lots of thoughts for this one, but no concrete plans just yet. Charlotte? Pittsburgh? Appalachian Trail hiking?

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