On Settling

I’m comfortable almost anywhere. Sure, I get a few nerves when traveling somewhere new, but I have a great knack for finding amazing pockets of bliss everywhere that put me to ease. (this wasn’t always the case, but more on that later)

You guys. The past two months have been more than a whirlwind for me. Here’s a 10,000 foot view:

traveled to Chicago to visit two schools and to run the ZOOMA half marathon
Ran the Annapolis 10 mile race
MOVED into my new place, Pompadour Place
started back up teaching 9 fitness classes/week

20 high school visits in Maryland
traveled to Minneapolis for Healthy Living Summit and school visits
traveled to Toronto for NACAC
started 2-week travel to California and Denver

Since moving into my new place at the end of August, I’ve been there a total of 12 days.

If it hasn’t become obvious yet, I don’t settle. Each time I manage an accomplishment, I’ve already moved on to the next great adventure. Though I’m not the best planner, I do manage to have at least two months of activities planned at a time. I’m also a huge believer in spontaneity.

I like this lifestyle. For now. At 27, I feel like I’ve reached a great point in my life. I have few obligations, except those I impose on myself, I’m at a great place in fitness and overall health, I’m excited to greet each day for what it can offer.

Why should I settle? All of this travel for both my admissions work and for road races makes me want to travel even more. And I can, so why not?

While maintaining some level of responsibility and adult-ness (what is that even?), I’m ready for more adventures. I’m following my bliss and hope to share this with anyone who is open and willing to follow along.

I’m excited for next steps.

2 Comments on “On Settling

  1. Love your attitude and how genuinely it feels like you are living your life. Hope to join you on an adventure, you’d make a great companion! (For me or the doctor, whoever stops by first)

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