5 Ways to Spring Into Wellness

Happy First Day of Spring! In Chestertown, the sun is shining, and I’m only wearing a light jacket. Next to April 25, this is the perfect date.

With all the happy that’s surrounding me, I want to share the light.

Spring is a time to shed the winter coat, to re-awaken, to celebrate new life while remembering the history. It’s a time to check in with those New Years Resolutions, recalibrate, set new goals, and push forward toward summer.

5 Ways to Spring into Wellness

1. Clear the Clutter. Starting with your closet. Adopt a new rule: if it doesn’t fit, toss/donate it. If you haven’t worn it in 6+ months, it’s probably not going to happen. Getting rid of the clutter in your closet will help free your mind, every time you open the door.

Looking for a creative way to shed some of those clothes? Host a “Clothing Swap Party.” Invite your friends, tell them to bring gently-used clothing and/or a dish (or drinks!), and plan an evening of fun as friends turn your used threads into new “purchases.” Beats spending money on new clothes!

2. Get Active. Okay, so maybe those New Years Resolutions are gone with the passing of the winter months. That’s okay! Choose a new  (achievable) goal and get started with it. Today.

Looking for someone to help motivate you? Reach out to me at aweissert2@gmail.com – I’ll do everything from chat with you about your goals, create a plan, and get you pumped up to join one of my fitness classes! You got this.

3. Eat Lighter. While wearing bulky winter sweaters and covering up more, we’re more likely to excuse our extra serving at meal times habits. Winter is over. It’s time to lighten the load on your plate so you feel lighter and ready for the clothing shed!

I’m a huge fan of morning smoothies – my favorite is a Green Monster (spinach, one peeled banana, yogurt/milk, and either a scoop of protein powder or peanut butter). Credit to Angela of Oh She Glows for introducing me to them!

4. Connect with Nature. A friend recently introduced me to the concept of Earthing. We tend to feel happier when our bodies connect with nature. Think about your toes in the sand or walking barefoot along the grass/earth. Feels good, right? Get outside and feel the sunshine on your face. Just don’t forget the sunscreen.

5. Slow Down. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day madness of living. The emergence of spring reminds us to slow down, stop to smell the flowers, and breathe in the sunshine.

Repeat after me: it’s ok to say no. We want to say yes to every invitation, but then your time is divided and you can hardly be present (really present, not checking your phone) at every event. Choose carefully and really connect with others.

Welcome, spring! I look forward to celebrating with you.




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