A Day in the Life 2

These posts are always my favorite to read: A Day in the Life. What’s a day look like ’round these parts? I decided to spend this Monday documenting a snapshot into my world!

4:09 – Alarm goes off. Time to get up and meet Melissa for a run. I get dressed, eat a glukos tab, fill up my water bottle, grab my early morning running gear (visor, headlamp, safety sash), and go.

4:30 – Once in the car, I turn on the newest Robin Sharma Master Class lesson. I like to spend at least 20 minutes each morning learning something. This lesson is about living a life that makes history, and I learned about starting my day the world-class way. He’s one of my favorite confidence, leadership, and life-mastery speakers!

5:00 – Run time! We run 3 miles together, enjoying the growing corn, deer sightings, and the first glimpse of the rising sun.

5:30 – I convince Melissa to be the first participant in my new project “Positive Vibes.” Two of my yoga instructors shared the message of vibrations and energy – that everyone gives off vibrations, from low vibrations (negative) to high vibrations (vibrant/positive). They encouraged us to think about a vibrant person or experience in our lives for 5 minutes, and use that positive energy throughout the day, to share with others. The fact that two of my instructors, in completely different locations, shared this message seemed like too much of a coincidence for me not to do something about it. So, enter a new project!

5:45 – After almost every run, I like to head to the town dock to watch the sunrise and take a fun picture of the day. This is usually a yoga pose or a stretch. I love sunrises!


6:00 – I pick up hot Dunkin’ coffee (yummm) for both the husband & me and head home.

6:15 – I pack my lunch, make my 10:00 smoothie (sooooo many berries in this one), and usually I’ll clean up the kitchen. We have another home project happening near the kitchen, so I don’t really have much to clean up today, since there are tools everywhere anyway.

6:30 – Chase the cat around the house. She’s super active and playful in the morning, so I like to spend a little time playing with her, admiring her, taking pictures of her for instagram. She loves it.

7:00 – shower tiiiiiime. So clean. My ‘get ready’ routine takes about 12 minutes, including shower (if I worked out that morning), getting dressed (I pick out my clothes the night before so decisions aren’t a thing), and gathering all of my things for the day.

7:30 – Make it to my office at work. I like to be very early to work; it gives me a sense of calm before the chaos of the day. I love getting my hardest tasks done FIRST, so I can concentrate. I drop off a special delivery in a colleague’s office, get all of my things plugged in and turned on for the day.

7:45 – Eating that frog. My most dreaded task (today creating a survey full of special if/then circumstances) came first, and I’m RELIEVED to have that done.

8:15 – start sending reminder emails/requests to colleagues, hoping to be first in line in their queue for the day.

8:30 – Email from my boss that causes me to get incredibly grumpy about the fact that I’ve had 5 bosses in three years, which means I spend most of my time with them explaining my job/past projects vs. planning for the future. This means a lot of time gets lost, time that could be contributed to creativity and output. On the same hand, I’m also glad that I created a new position for myself. Still, with another leadership change happening, I’m prepping my narrative to do this again.

8:45 – Enter the next big task of the day, drafting intensely specific communication plans for all campaigns. This goes beyond the broad graphs and general schedules I usually share. This will highlight all the nitty gritty details and hopefully ease the learning curve of the next administration.

9:00 – Discover discrepancies in two publications that, thanks to the leadership transition, will have to be redrafted and printed. More grumbles.

9:20 – Create new landing page for certain student applicants. Trying a new communication method this year!

9:45 – Have energetic conversation with colleagues about vacations, fall plans, and what we can do to make a difference. Feeling good.

10:15 – Belly grumbles, in need of daily smoothie! Adding a fruit smoothie to my daily routine has really helped me see results, especially in my core. It gives me something to eat without being heavy, and keeps me satiated until lunch. I’ve casually been flirting with intermittent fasting on weekdays, meaning the smoothie is my first ‘meal’ of the day, around 10:00 a.m. If I workout in the morning, I’ll usually have a few Glukos chews and some nuun to replenish electrolytes, but hold off eating until smoothie time. In the short term, I’ve seen noticeable difference to my waistline and my creative juices get flowing on an ’empty’ stomach. I likes.

10:30 – Clean out my desk drawer since I’ll be getting my NEW standing desk this week (I think). Better to be ready vs. not! I only had one drawer, so this is way easier than expected. Found bonus stickers.

10:45 – Share new publication pieces with counselors, oooo, ahhhh.

11:00 – Create plan for student workers for the next two weeks. I couldn’t do my job without their help. I NEED YOU!

11:15 – Working on my new, Seth-Godin inspired office project. So far, so good! It’s also fun to get to know more about my colleagues. And, it’s kind of like arts and crafts time.

11:45 – Get changed and head over to the fitness center so I can warm-up before teaching Insanity Live class. I love this break in the day!

12:15 – Teach Insanity Live. NEW round and NEW music, so cue butterflies (even after 8 years of teaching, this still happens).

Holy moly it’s only noon and this has gotten so long already! I have really long days. Condensing stuff now…

12:45 – Class is ovah and I take a jumpy photo to celebrate!


1:00 – I pop downtown to Dunkin’ to get an iced coffee – it’s my favorite hot summer day treat! I like a medium/1 cream/1 shot of Hazlenut swirl iced coffee. (Yes, this is two Dunkin’ in one day. YOU ARE NOT THE COFFEE POLICES).

1:15 – Back to the office to continue working on my special Seth G-inspired project.

1:30 – start to eat lunch (my special meal boxes! This one has crustless broccoli/turkey bacon/cheese mini quiche, carrots, celery, kiwi, cherries, and apples.)

1:45 – initiate second large project of the day (I like to have FIVE main tasks in a work day, it’s more efficient and makes me feel good to check them off my list. Today has TWO big tasks)

2:15 – Come up for air, work on updating communication letters that other people need to use in the office

2:45 – back to the BIG project (#2) of the day

3:15 – brief break to share communication and strategy with a colleague

3:30 – back to project #2, shared with some colleagues for early feedback (something I’m trying to do more regularly)

3:45 – pow-wow with my student worker to chat about projects for the week. Again, can’t do the work I do without my student team!

4:00 – start prep for Tuesday (I make a ‘5 things’ list at the beginning of the week, but smaller projects always pop up during the week)

4:15 – change to head to gym so I can fit in my BBG stronger arms & abs workout before teaching TurboKick Live class

4:25 – It’s go time. BBG Arms & Abs. I just posted a recent progress update on instagram – 6 months down (20 weeks BBG and 7 weeks of BBG Stronger). I’m loving this program and all the confidence it has helped me find. This has been an amazing growth year.


4:55 – 28 minutes and DONE! One of the things I love most about my BBG workouts. Now it’s time to greet Turbo peeps and get ready for class.

5:15 – TurboKick time!!!! This is my favorite format to teach – I love the energy and power, the discovery in the movements, and the strength you need to push yourself and others through the class. They were on fire tonight, and we made it through THREE turbo rounds.

6:00 – Asked my Turbo peeps for another Positive Vibrations picture! I love post-class pics the best, when everyone is glowing and shiny and happy.

6:15 – Time for some yoga practice — I’m working on balances this week. Titibasana, or firefly, is first! I haven’t spent much time on this in a few weeks. I love focusing on a movement or an asana because it gives me some idea of improvements and I always learn something new in my practice

6:45 – head to the bank, then head home!

7:00 – Ate my leftover burger with blue cheese over a salad. Also had one of my crustless broccoli/turkey bacon/cheese mini quiches. Washed it down with lime Perrier (my sparkling water drink crush at the moment).

7:30 – empty the dishwasher, refill it with the dishes in the sink, start a new load of laundry (teaching and taking classes produces SO much laundry. I’d like to be the kind of person who doesn’t change her outfit every class, but I am. And I do. And I have too many cute workout clothes to just wear one or two outfits a dayyyy). All of this is accomplished while simultaneously watching old episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on my laptop. I can’t not watch it. Hooked.

8:15 – a little email work, chatting with one of my student workers, pay a couple of bills, and do a little prep work for my next online fitness challenge (it’s gonna be amazeballs!).

9:00 – Husband is home from his night of event and board meetings at his church. Wahoo! Chat about our days, giggle, be husband/wifey. I love our time together. He’s literally the best.

9:30 – Sweepy. Long day. Good day! Lots of productivity and positive vibes. I love a good, solid, long day. Good night!

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